Sunday, April 26, 2009

Blog introduction

I created this blog in order to talk about Computer Science and some other cool stuffs like math or physics. One of the things I like most is NLP (Natural Language Processing) so don't be surprised if you find lots of lines talking about languages, regular expressions or smoothing techniques. My intention is to be the clearest I can, so, if you are interesting on these subjects but you don't have any expertise, don't worry, I'll make it easy for you.

Common people think that engineers, physics and mathematics are weird people (geeks), well ... they're probably right, but they don't think about what we created to make their lifes easier. They cannot see what we can: "the simply beauty of science". Can you imagine life without Science?, It's kind of impossible, isn't it?, forget about the obvious things (TV, radio, cell phones, cars etc...), it is easy to talk about our life without them, how we got used to these things and how great are science and engineers, just think about a world without science, without the human need of knowledge, now explain gravity. See?, It's impossible!, you can't!, so.... is science something cool or what?.

Now, think about computer science (please! I'm not talking about word, excel and how to fix windows!), have you ever think, for example, about how great are the minds that worked on your operating system algorithms, and how hard they are to understand?. Man!, computer engineers created things like Internet, your IPod OS, your web mail, Linux, Windows (Ok!, you might want to forget about this one), etc. What I'm trying to say is that we got so used to this kind of stuffs that we cannot realized how wonderful they are.

Finally, NLP..... oh!, that's not an easy one, isn't?. Yes, we used NLP almost every day of ours life with Internet (do you google?, ok so you are using NLP). With NLP we can make our computer read and understand ours documents!!, isn't it great?!. We can make them understand our speaking!, sorry, but I'm getting excited...

This blog is to talk about these stuffs, specially NLP. I'm going to post some comments maybe in a tutorial way but trying to make it simple, so everyone can read it. This is my compromise for this blog, the only thing you have to do is to seat down, read and eventually enjoy and comment.


Computer Science is no more about computers than astronomy is about telescopes
E. W. Dijkstra

1 comment:

  1. Finally! I was expecting this blog for months... As I'm tired (and lazy too :-), I will summarize my comments here.

    Your treatment of regular expressions and the associated FSAs is very interesting. Although I'm relatively familiarized with the abstract notions, I never implemented anything in this area; in fact, some articles focused on the "practical side" would be interesting... :-D

    Keep up the good work!
